Hello There! I'm Dr. Craig T. Follins-Thought Leader and Strategist
Thanks for visiting! This is where you’ll find my professional experience and skills, my interests and education. I created this site to showcase the one thing I’m sure of - that there’s no one else like me out there. Browse through all the information I’ve provided here, and contact me directly to learn more.
Public Appearances/Media Opportunities
WCPN Radio The New Layoff Economy
December 2008
Layoffs are everywhere: almost 900 auto workers in Lordstown, possibly 1,000 steelworkers in Warren, more in construction, retail, and health care. It's beginning to seem that no matter what sector of the economy you name, odds are it's shedding jobs. On our program, we'll take a hard look at the reality of unemployment in NE Ohio. We'll talk to employers making tough choices, workers looking for opportunities, and those involved in retraining workers for their next career.ayoffs are everywhere: almost 900 auto workers in Lordstown, possibly 1,000 steelworkers in Warren, more in construction, retail, and health care. It's beginning to seem that no matter what sector of the economy you name, odds are it's shedding jobs. On our program, we'll take a hard look at the reality of unemployment in NE Ohio. We'll talk to employers making tough choices, workers looking for opportunities, and those involved in retraining workers for their next career.
City College Men of Distinction Recognition
May 2012
Interview with ABC13 about successful male mentoring program at Olive-Harvey College.
Black Profiles: Dr. Craig T. Follins -- President of Northeast Lakeview College
October 2015
Interview with Black Video News (BVN)

President, Northeast Lakeview College/Special Assistant to the District Chancellor (Alamo Colleges)
March 2014-August 2016
Craig led NLC's 1st successful SACSCOC Accreditation Candidacy application and laid the foundation for a subsequent successful visit. Craig's vision, strategic guidance and laser-focused student first process led to the successful application after assuming leadership from the founding president of seven years. Produced 94 page report bench marking national best practices in Distance Education, Competency Based Education (CBE) and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

College President, City Colleges of Chicago (Olive-Harvey College)
July 2011-March 2014
Craig was hired in 2011 as part of the City Colleges of Chicago "reinvention" initiative. Craig worked collaboratively with CCC District stakeholders to develop a world class Transportation, Distribution and Logistics program as President of Olive-Harvey College. Craig built a strong team of talented faculty, staff and administrators who increased student retention, persistence and graduation rates and success.

Organization and Leadership Development
August 2016-Present
Craig is a strategic system’s thinker who serves post-secondary institutions during periods of leadership transition and organizational transformation. Craig has a proven track record as a goal-oriented individual, who easily manages multiple priorities, with demonstrated abilities: to plan strategically; think creatively, conceptually, and critically; develop human talent; manage multi-million dollar budgets; and develop consultative and collaborative relationships in academic, business and industry communities.

My goal is to add value to the lives of others so as to enable each of us to maximize our human potential and maximize our social capital.
Enthusiastic and dedicated, I’m an experienced, solutions based mentor and executive leadership coach focused on creating, developing and sustaining future leaders working in the higher education, NGO or non-profit space. Utilizing my extensive leadership experiences, I add value to leaders dealing with rapid change, challenges, expectations, accountability, adversity and choice. With a strong skill set and relevant experience, I believe I can bring creative ideas and successful solutions to the table. Take a look through my CV site to find out more about what I have to offer - or get in touch to discuss how I can help you on your next project.
Published Work
The NISOD Papers; 37 Million and Counting
Jully 2016
This paper discusses the issue of Competency-Based Learning (CBE) and new approaches to recruitment and retention among the adult population with some college and no degree. www.NISOD.org
Reimagining Distance Education
July 2016
This article was a short summary of 3 months of national research exploring best practices in Distance Education. This was a League for Innovation n the Community College Learning Abstract www.League.org
Persistence and Perseverance
March 2015
This is my first book. It is my very transparent, honest and authentic journey from GED to PhD to Two College Presidencies. It is about overcoming the most difficult odds imaginable and still remaining sane. www.New Generation Publishing ISBN 978-1-78507-265-9
My Professional Profile
There are so many people in the world who never have the opportunity to pursue the career they love. I’m not one of them. I love what I do and since starting my career in New York City, I’m thrilled to say that I’ve learned from so many trained professionals in my field. I traveled the country and worked in Atlanta, Georgia, Houston, Texas, Cleveland, Ohio, Victoria, Texas, Chicago, Illinois and San Antonio, Texas. I have learned as much from my failures as I have from my many successes. I have a passion, bias and love for hard work and collective team energy. I have taken the word NO out of my vocabulary. I am a lifelong learner, mentor, coach, guide who has mentored at least 20 PhDs, spawned a college president and countless Directors, Deans, Vice Presidents and other world class leaders. I am excited to see what projects could benefit from my unique skill set.

Educational Experience
PhD The University of Texas @ Austin
Gold standard in Community College Leadership Programs. Focus was on Educational Administration. Honored in 2012 by the CCLP staff and faculty as a Distinguished Graduate of the program after earning my first college presidency at The City Colleges of Chicago (Olive-Harvey College)
MA Texas Southern University
Majored in Clinical Sociology (Applied Sociology)
BA Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Majored in Sociology
North San Antonio Chamber Leadership Lab Class of 2015
November 2015
Comprehensive, immersive and collaborative nine month leadership program.
Dr. Follins was a great mentor! He was with me from the inception of my dissertation to the conclusion. I am very grateful for his insight, concern, and constant encouragement. He is also very knowledgeable in the area of real life application of academia to real life.
November 1, 2011, Dr. Dawn was Dr.Craig's client/mentee.
Dawn Byrant, Doctoral Mentee, University of Phoenix
Dr. Craig Follins is a dynamic educational leader. I met Dr. Follins when he served as President of Olive-Harvey College and I quickly came to admire his acumen, enthusiasm, and wisdom. He built a strong team and established a culture of pride and accomplishment.
Dr. David Potash, President, Wilbur Wright College 2015
In my work for University of Houston-Victoria, I have collaborated with Dr. Follins (he was a VP at The Victoria College at the time) and found him to be genuine, knowledgeable and and a pleasure to work with.
March 5, 2015.
Dr. Margaret Rice, Visiting Assistant Professor and Special Assistant to the Provost, The University of Houston-Victoria

Tricks of the Trade
I’ve mostly acquired skills through my education and work experience. I’m definitely proud of the skills I’ve gained across the years, and lucky to have had the support to become a professional in my field. But what I’m most proud of is my perseverance through it all. Read through my site to discover how you can benefit from my skills.
Strategic Planning

You Could Call Me A Pro
Change Leadership

A Valuable Skill
Teamwork, Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

An Expert
Have questions? Drop me a line and let me give you the answers.
What people are saying about Craig's leadership and good work
"A Leader of Leaders"
I have had the privilege of getting to know Dr. Craig Follins shortly after his arrival to San Antonio. Dr. Follins reached out to me in connection to his passion around service to the community. After getting to know him I thought he would be a great addition to our Board of Directors. Several of our current board of directors knew him and felt it would be our privilege to nominate him to our board. To which Dr. Follins kindly excepted.
I knew we had made a good choice, as I would be out in the community at high schools and corporate partners and they would know Dr. Follins. They would comment about his interest in getting the community involved at the community college. And providing an opportunity for students to be successful. He seemed to be in all the right places.
When we first met he expressed his opportunity to take his organization through a period of change. I shared with Dr. Follins I too had that opportunity when hired at the food bank almost 15 years ago. And how grateful I was to a strong board. We discussed how difficult and challenging change can be for staff. We also talked about the power of service.
Dr. Follins took the opportunity to engage his staff in service at the food bank. I watched as he led his team in a conversation around serving others rather than focusing on ourselves. Inspiring his team to be kind and thoughtful. To be mindful of those that struggle and to give service to the students and fellow faculty at the college. He also put out the challenge to reach into the community and build bridges to the college. I believe we built a bridge between our two organizations.
I also had the opportunity for the first time to visit the college campus. I join many other community stakeholders to get an update on what was happening on campus and the impact they were having. I was privileged to talk to students and faculty who all were excited about the direction the college was headed.
It is my hope that we will continue to strengthen the bridge we developed together!
Eric S. Cooper
San Antonio (Texas) Food Bank
November, 2015
I met Dr. Craig Follins while managing one of the largest workforce centers in Texas. He is a strategic planner with success in negotiating win-win compromises. He is a strong leader with unsurpassed interpersonal skills. Dr. Follins is big picture visionary with the ability to understand how daily operations shape the results and goals. I recommend him without reservation.
February 12, 2015, George was with another company when working with Dr.Craig at Houston Community College
George Davis, Sr. Program Manager, Houston Community College
I am writing this recommendation for Dr. Craig Follins based upon his depth and breadth of knowledge in the area of Workforce Development. He is one of the foremost experts in the field who is constantly seeking new information to add to his already impressive background. He has a passion for assisting individuals in their pursuit of careers and performance improvement. A high energy, extremely personable individual who is consistently building relationships in the community. He posesses a strong desire to acquire more knowledge, pouring over books, literature, etc to expand his horizons and to position his organization's readiness for the future.less
January 13, 2010, Jim worked indirectly for Dr.Craig at Cuyahoga Community College
Jim Potantus, Partner/COO
Craig displayed the utmost professionalism and attention to excellence. He understands how to connect with people... to learn from each individual and then turn that knowledge into leadership expertise. His work in doctoral studies demonstrated a commitment to progress and excellence. Craig sought out and connected with the best students, mentors, and other leading professionals. He always acted with tact but remained steadfast in his pursuit of goals. Displaying tremendous tenacity at an individual level, he led by example to fuel team accomplishment as his winning personality easily blended with others. Dr. Craig Follins is a consumate professional who will continue to benefit American community colleges as he leads initiatives on a local, regional, and national level.less
January 4, 2010, Allen studied with Dr.Craig at The University of Texas at Austin
Allen Goben, President Tarrant County College-Northeast Campus
Dr. Craig Follins is a person who will get the job done right no matter what it takes. His wealth of knowledge and strong communication skills is what sets him aside from his competition. He is the type of person you feel comfortable with right from the beginning.
He is extremely professional and has a passion for assisting others. Dr. Craig Follins is a phenomenal...more
August 22, 2011, Barbara reported to Dr.Craig at Cuyahoga Community College
Barbara Esperson, Administrative Manager, City of Cleveland, Ohio
Dr. Craig Follins is a world-class leader with whom I had the great pleasure of working when he served as the President of Olive Harvey College at the City Colleges of Chicago. Serving side by side for two years, I saw Dr. Follins proudly represent his college with school spirit and contagious enthusiasm for student success. Dr. Follins founded OHC's first Men of Distinction program which allowed young men to receive mentoring and aid in developing their academic and social skills. This program received acclaim for its high success rates. Dr. Follins was also a champion of student needs and continually devised ways to better the student experience through improved support services and excellence in academics. He is fearless, approachable and an honorable man. He is a true servant leader and I was honored to have served with him.
January 26, 2015, Dr. Reagan Romali worked directly with Dr. Craig at City Colleges of Chicago
President, Truman College
It is with great enthusiasm that I write this letter recommending Dr. Follins in his capacity as President, Leader, and Colleague. Craig has displayed the tenacity to successfully take on multiple tasks and provide the leadership to move the needle. As Dean of an Adult Education program, I am proud to bare witness that President Follins, as a GED graduate himself, impacted...more
March 12, 2015, Robert reported to Dr.Craig at City Colleges of Chicago.
Dean Robert Reimer, Adult Education, Olive-Harvey College
Awards and Honors

Distinguished Graduate Award
Award given by UT College of Education in recognition of my national contributions to community colleges.

Faculty Leadership Award
Award presented for faculty leadership and service excellence at The University of Phoenix-Houston Campus.

Olive-Harvey College Student Government Award
In recognition of your outstanding Commitment, Dedication, and Support of Olive Harvey College Student Government Association
Would you like to learn more?

"If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done" (Thomas Jefferson)
Proud to have served honorably in the U.S. Army (Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort Polk, Louisiana and Aschaffenburg, West Germany).

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Finding "Balance in Life" is important

I am never too busy making a living that I forget to make a life. Important to find time for "balance." Enjoying my time here with precious Kalicia who is just two months old in this recent photo.
Volunteer Work
How I Help

Harris County Child Protective Services
December 2016
VOLUNTEERING for the holidays. Thoroughly delighted and blessed this morning to join many other BEARing Gifts volunteers in Houston. Volunteers sorted through thousands of donated gifts to match a child's holiday gift wish. BEARing Gifts is an annual program of BEAR that provides holiday wishes to abused and neglected children under the care of Child Protective Services (CPS) in Harris County, Texas. Last year BEAR was able to provide gifts to over 9,200 children. Thanks BEAR for the opportunity to serve so many. Paying and praying it Follins Forward. @DrFollins1

San Antonio Food Bank
January 2015-Present
Service includes board of directors and serving on communications/marketing committees. Board members review work of CEO and organzation's overall $18,000,000 annual budget.

Mentor (Adopt-A-School Initiative)
As President of Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) I designed, developed and led the college in a voluntary Adopt-A-School initiative. We partnered with two local ISD's (4000 overall elementary/middle school students) and provided mentoring, reading and on campus (building a college going culture) experiences.